Last aCis updates

Started by Tryskell, January 04, 2011, 10:46:15 PM


Changeset 170

MapRegion XMLization
   - SQL -> XML;
   - Corrects Prismeval Wharf teleport issue (one PZ becomes a TZ);
   - Clean TownManager postIL stuff.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 171

2 XMLizations, typos fixes & Misc.

   - access_levels && spellbooks (previously skill_spellbooks) are now XMLized.

Typos fix
   - many typos fix on GS logs. That's nothing more than esthetic issue. That's 80% modified files of that commit.
   - some "counters" (TableName: Loaded xx blabla) have been reworked.
   - drop of the timer (GS started in xx seconds).
   - qItems are now "no destroyable". When it's not retail-like, it goes the good point to avoid exploits, such as deleting your qItems and continue the quest as if nothing appears. Doing retail will ask to remake each quest, adding checks for any qItem.
   - cleaned the few qItems which were "no_destroyable" (as handled directly by core), and clean the CWs enchant stuff.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 172

XMLs, XMLs, XMLs... And misc !

   - XMLization of NpcWalkerRoutesTable && AdminCommandAccessRights.
   - NpcWalker system have been slightly refactored/updated aswell.
   - cleanup in all existing XML tables, for cleaner coding style.
   - cleanup some XMLs (to reduce length and improve readability).
   - Ty DiNoR for SQL -> XML work on walker part. And death to NPEs.
   - addition of 2 quests, Q032/259. Ty fernandopm && Richijs4 !
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 173

Enchant, reuseDelay for items, Skills / Items fixes

   - Fix enchants, which are now possible on equipped items (not only inventory).
   - Fix success enchant message.

   - Items use from now the reuseDelay of their template ; if nothing is found it will use skill item reuse delay (as previously). Simple example on CP potion : reuse delay is 500ms on item, 50ms on skill. It will use 500ms. If item hasn't delay it would use 50ms instead. Before this commit, it was using 50ms.
   - Delete message on skill's use (post-IL stuff)
Skills / Items
   - fix some SAs values (Miser, Cheapshot and Quick Recovery mainly), and add some missing SAs.
   - fix Triple Slash (ty sa_"theXMLdev"_har :D) power values.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 174

Zones system, 3 quests, misc

Zone system
   - Players aren't effected by NPC skills zones ;
   - Mobs aren't effected by L2EffectZone/L2DamageZone (BigHead zones, castle traps, Blazing Swamp,...) ;
   - Activation and core implementation for isEnabled feature (mostly used on script for 4S).
   - drop of L2BigHeadZone (using L2EffectZone since some revisions).
   - addition of Q015, Q031 && Q121. Ty to contributors !
   - addition of missing HTMs for a couple of NPCs. Ty Pofka/seRiousLy from L2JBroken project for their contributions.
   - correct skills XML 3500-3599.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 175


And XML. That was long, and the DP side still needs some corrections/verifications. I ported 6 SQLs to XMLs. 3 SQLs have been merged, the data has been splitted according to class ("data/xml/classes" folder). The 3 others SQLs => XMLs have been moved under "data/xml/skillstrees" folder. An effort has been made on informations loading (drop of useless stuff, enlighten XMLs structures) aswell.

Added to that:
- 22 enchantement skills (IL ones) have been added. Those datas are unique - as handmaded by me - so enjoy :P ;
- a packet exploit on skill acquire has been fixed ;
- a useless message has been dropped when you close enchant/acquire skill windows ;
- Lucky skill isn't shown anymore on trainer skilllist ;
- 2-3 methods are improved (no checks on shortcuts when a passive skill is removed, Lucky skill check method doesn't remove skill at any level) ;
- Mobs are supposed to do magical critical now. At least, they got a default stat now.

The memory drop is around 10mo. The pack has been tested in the installation process aswell.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 176

Four Sepulchers part I + misc

Four Sepulchers (4S) has been implemented. Plenty of bugs still exist, but will be corrected at part II (waiting for you to make reports). For the moment, following has been added :
   - main instance + the 2 NPCs instances.
   - spawnlist "spawnlist_4s.sql", and HTMs "sepulchers" folder (ripe of "default" folder).
   - addition of missing NPCs spawns on spawnlist.sql, minus spawns of 4S mobs (handled in "spawnlist_4s.sql").
   - Q620_FourGoblets has been added.
   - Tyrannosaurus aren't lethalable anymore.
   - //invis, //vis, and //invis_menu => //hide command.
   - GS shows "used" memory, not "free" memory anymore.
   - refactor of SocialAction packet.
   - "Patrols" guards chat window has been corrected.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 177

Zones refactor, items on character templates, misc

Zones refactor
   - core implementation and DP activation for "reuse" and "initialDelay" for DamageZone;
   - addition of the warning icon for DamageZone.
   - deletion of ZONE_ALTERED (pointless).
Items on character templates
   - addition of items at character creation.
   - only first classes got those datas, which is not the actual L2J way (actual loads items even for post 1st class transfer o_o). Consider reporting if you find an issue.
   - Addition of (a tweaked version of) L2TownPet instance, ty Sentinel/Vhalior for initial share.
   - Mini clean on items (those datas are already implemented).
   - Drop of the duplicate spawns for Orfen, Queen Ant and Core. Valakas big teleporters have been dropped aswell (handed by future AI).
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 178

Dimensional Rift, HotSprings IA, misc

Dimensional Rift -- fully refactored using Freya.
   - addition of EarthQuake effect at room changes.
   - give possibility to have more than 1 party in same rift, without interacting between them.
   - correction of an misfunction using jump cards (4 jumps, not 5).
   - fixed/verified values to be retail-like (2 players minimum, 480-600 sec, 4 jumps).
   - fixed issue where you can spawn directly in Anakazel room (at startup or during jumping).
   - Added message for tokens consumption.
   - Fixed spawn of one Rift ziggurat teleporter.
HotSpings IA
   - added a fully working HS IA, which upgrades the disease when the mob hits you.
   - corrected durations of diseases (from 10 min to 1 hour).
   - Added core implementation for that new stuff, under OnAttackAct (perfect for your custom events :P).
   - Corrected Q153 typo, and fixed html -> htm (ty Vhalior).
   - Cleaned postIL stuff related to epic jewels (ty Sahar).
   - Added the 3 missing L2PetTown (ty extel).
   - Fixed some links in htmls.
   - Added SuicideAttack behavior on "NPC Death Bomb".
   - fixed eventual NPEs at quest engine.
   - fixed previous rework on items reuse durations. It now take the longest time between items reuse and skill reuse.
   - some cleanup at L2Npc onBypass.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 179

npc_ai_data, and some misc

- spring cleaning on variables names, deletion of some booleans (behavior can be handled differently, so...)
- some behaviors disappeared (resskills, floatskills (?)).
- addition of suicide behavior for NPCs (activation at 30% HPs -- need surely to tweak it depending of skill/monster later), not a general skill anymore.
- addition of a minimum and maximum skill luck (between 7 and 15% by default from now, before it was 15%).

- Addition of a timer on pickup action.
- Tweaked existing animation timers, based on speed run now.
- Fixed a typo in Q006.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 180

Formal Wear quests serie - Q033, 034, 035, 036 && 037.

- endquest rewards items have been put as qItems aswell.
- ty Treaser for initial share. I can't say it was free-bugs... Like adding 20 HTMs and so on.

Changeset 181

Command Channel, usercommands cleanup, misc

Command Channel has been refactored
- the little window is now correctly working, showing party details aswell. "Quit" button works too. Ty Hellish for report.
- addition of missing packet, && correction of existing ones.
- correction of a hi5 L2J bug related to CC (issue when inviting a party leader by the way of a party member).
- all custom messages (around... 15 ?) have been replaced for retail ones.

- channels commands (creation, delete, info) have been cleaned up.
- clan penalty has been improved (use of StringUtil instead of TextBuilder).

- L2LvlUpData has been dropped (useless stuff).
- L2ArmorSet and AutoChatHandler have been cleaned up/refactored.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 182

Quests little refactor, misc

Quests little refactor
   - All quests got their COMPLETED check moved to top of the onTalk method (previously, it was put on the switch case of the quest giver). There are 2 reasons so far :
      - one is a bugfix reason (when NPC got numerous quests, it shows even quests done, so when you click on a secondary character, this guy won't have proper html sent => "I have no tasks for you right now, emo" instead of "you already made that quest, dumbass").
      - other reason is optimization : it avoids to read a part of the quest, launching variables/switch case for a simple result. So from now, it is fastest and use less checks.
   - All quests with reward items on monsters kills (onKill method) got a unique "template" from now (if the reward type fits with the default behavior, ofc...)
FROM NOW, HELPERS, CONSIDER TO USE THE NEW IMPLEMENTATION (there is near nothing changed as you can see, but you will save my own time doing it directly good).
   - formal wear isn't considered anymore as heavy armor (passive skills from tanks and such were applied...).
   - Dimensional Rift is (normally) entirely debugged. I rewrite my own rewrite to fit with Vonak's experience. Ty to him.
   - "dist" folder on DP build dissapears. That avoids 1 useless double click... Lol.
   - Q009 and Q010 have been added. Ty to the numerous contributors (4 !) for those 2 worthless quests :D.
   - subclass checks : addition of summon check and "inventory bigger than 80% in term of slots availability". The existing check about overall weight has been hardened aswell (from now, even with one level of weight penalty, the village master smashes your face down to the ground). Reason I hardened the wight penalty is simple : imagine you're a dwarf, with 79% weight(50k of soulshots ftw). Now decide to sub Elven Elder. I think you got the picture.

Changeset 183

Q017, 258 & 626. Ty fernandopm && Richijs4 :).

Changeset 184

Items reuse (again), quests, misc.

   - Items reuses are fixed (both scrolls and potions). I hope it's final implementation.
   - Elixirs-type skills now display successfully the reuse in shortcut bar.
   - Addition of Q018, ty Richijs4 for share.
   - little fix on Q037, ty Vhalior for testing.
   - correction of some HTMs typos, and 5 emptys bypasses.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 185

L2Multisell rework, misc.

L2Multisell rework
   - added a check to avoid enchant exploit.
   - added a check on inventory slots/weight. PS : it doesn't take in consideration your quest items slots. Cry on forum if different (if you got PROOFS).
   - corrected an issue about buying multiple reputation items and only the reputation price of one item was taken (both check, message, and amount decrease).
   - added a check on the NPC you're talking. If you're in a strange state (dead, masturb...), or if you're too far, or if the NPC isn't the good type of NPC, OK button doesn't answer to your frenetic mouse clicks.
   - cleaned all multisells lists which don't need maintainEnchantement statut (minimize exploits -- if it's still possible).
   - added a message which make a sound when you success ! * AwESoMe ding *
   - L2Multisell instance is now loaded at server loading, under Items tab. Added to that, Singletonization.
   - L2Multisell doesn't load anymore broken XMLs.
   - cleaned up some methods on L2Character (experimental stuff, as some synchronized stuff have been killed). Consider report any retard things on stats changes and stats broadcast.
   - StatusUpdate cleanup. Only one way to call it from now.
   - Some HTMs typos. Death to <br1>.
   - RequestSellItem packet (some checks added as L2Multisell, and general refactor).
   - RequestBuyItem got his NPC check improved (on L2Multisell idea).
   - no more message/method launched when you take Clan Imperium skill (as repu cost is 0, pointless repu calculation and message).
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 186

LoginController rework, misc.

LS / LoginController
   - added a config to on/off all LS logs (off by default from now to avoid to waste performances filling a .txt)
   - improved the login method (I hope it didn't destroy anything as many synchronized dissapeared, so far trying to dual login leads to the same fail)
   - the general look of LS messages has been refreshed.
   - you can't add twice the same IP on ban now (better said, avoid to fill if already existing).
   - some code reorganization (drop of useless Log, move of printSection method).
   - many typos.
   - one table has been dropped (merchant_lease). The uses of it were useless aswell (DELETE type commands on empty table...).

Changeset 187

Deletion of Telnet, addition of DeadlockDetector.

   - Telnet was crappy and not really user-friendly ; let's see for alternative ways :).
   - DeadlockDetector is a tool to see when tasks aren't correctly synced. When it mustn't be used on a live server, I invite to use it on your test lab, as much as you can, to eventually see errors and report.
   - some typos.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Changeset 188

Golden Ram Mofos.

   - Addition of Q109 && Q628.
   - Golden Ram crews got their own instance, showing htms following state quest (3 different HTMs for 2 NPCs, 2 diff for 2 others).
   - Addition of a missing NPC (corpse).
   - Mercenaries sentries can't speak. Move the check from "chatWindow" to "onAction" method (avoids stuff such as random animation, and so on).
I'm aware the corpse is flying. All collisions values will be tweaked later, at the same time, during NPCs refactor. From the moment you can click on it at this moment... Not a big deal.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!