How to access private sources

Started by Tryskell, November 27, 2011, 09:24:04 PM


Freemium concept

aCis project uses a freemium concept : a type of business model that offers basic features to users at no cost and charges a premium for supplemental or advanced features.

My duty is to provide sources, and while I don't have any word to say about who does what with my sources, I have the right to choose who got access to it.

Types of groups

Supporters/donators have to be active to stay in sources. It doesn't have to be a particular amount, you just have to share from time to time *anything*. I don't accept anymore silent ppl. Only useful people will be kept.

  • Public branch is updated every year.
  • The stability state isn't guaranteed - it is delivered "as it".
  • Free users can access to the Discord channel to get support.
  • Free users, even based on outdated branch, can contribute to project, and be rewarded for their work (see "Contribution" section).

QuoteSince last massive leak (notably all development branches), I don't accept anymore financial newcomers that easily. People will have to contribute 100 cookies worth of contributions (bug reports/fixes) as a first step to be accepted as Donator.

You can say thanks to RusAcis, and notably his worthless leader, UnleashedForce.

The size of users will continue to shrink if more leaks occur, until true helpers only will be left.
  • You will be registered into the private Gitlab, for the time of your subscription.
  • You will have access to specific forums boards, such as "custom" && "FAQ".
  • I will give support for any retail issue you report, based on my own IRL timelapse / project handling. I don't busy about customs.
  • If you contribute to project, you can be rewarded for your work (see "Contribution" section).

  • Free users, as Donators, can reach that status sharing enough bugfixes or contributing enough to the pack they're declared "essential".
  • Main contributors are rewarded by "Supporter" status, they got a direct access to sources, to all boards and don't pay any fee.
  • That access is maintained until they stop to contribute or contribution amount becomes too low.


All your reports and shares (bugfixes) are counted as a CONTRIBUTION. Contribution is taken in consideration when your work is COMMITED, and is based on the complexity of the report/bugfix.

The contribution system is visible on forums. A specific field, named "Cookies" was added.

Cookies can be used instead of money, and is spent on a ratio 1:1 over either the initial Donator subscription (100 cookies) or to pay the monthly fee (10 cookies / month).

If you stack up 12 free months, cookies are then translated as money reward (paid over Paypal).

Ratios are as following :
- one report : 2 to 10 cookies, depending about the severity
- one bugfix : from 2 to 100+ cookies (from typos fix to complete reworks)

Bounty & Bounty hunters

#bounties Discord channel allow you to deliver some tasks as a requested code for a fixed fee and based on a description. That fee is paid using subscription money.

Any game feature or bug can be considered as a task. The priority is given to bugs generating instability. Tasks are defined by either me or Donators.

The fee is paid only if requested code is committed and final part of the files. A variable part of the fee can be cut depending about how buggy the proposed code is. If the code is too buggy, it will be rejected.

That fee can be either translated to :
- Supporter or a Donator with enough credits (> 12 stacked subscription months) : real money, payment is done using Paypal ONLY.
- Donator with good contribution background : Supporter rank.
- Other : cookies, which can be stacked and spent as a regular money-base upon initial fee or monthly fee.

Any @@donator can actually use his own spent money to lead its own bounties. As an exemple, sending me 100€ as initial fee allow you to "spend them" on whatever task you want to be prioritized. Giving no direction means I can use them as I want.

If multiple concurrent people deliver code for the same task, the less buggier version and the most "aCis-friendly" (documented code, using aCis standards, etc) version will be chosen. The only rewarded people will be the chosen code's author.

In case multiple concurrent people propose identical solutions in terms of "code coolness" and "features", the first posted version got the priority.

If multiple friendly people work together to propose a code, the reward will be splitted between authors. Define the % of authorship between yourselves.

In order everyone works on the same stuff, and as L2OFF is as bad as L2J in terms of data stability, here's a unique source for data :

In this zip, you will find following :
- AdvExt Setp2019 HTM folder
- AdvExt Setp2019 scripts folder (since L2OFF IL fstring.txt sucks ass, both IL and GF versions are added. L2OFF GF version must be used, since it's far better translated.
- Decompiled ai.obj for L2OFF IL Vanganth and L2OFF GF


Joining price: 200€ + 100 cookies, or 200 cookies
This fee has to be paid if you are joining aCis project. Next month, and all other months, you will have to donate only basic monthly donation. In case you're discovered leaking project, your account will be blacklisted and you will have to use another account/name - and therefore to pay back that fee.

Monthly price: 10€ / 10 cookies
This fee has to be paid every month.

I reserve the right to refuse your private access based on any type of criterias.

Once you donated, send me a PM on one of following platforms, I will manually setup your forum account :
  • aCis forums, via my profile (send PM)
  • MxC forums, via my profile (send PM)
  • aCis Discord channel
If your payment doesn't follow my conditions, I will return it back to you.

Payment methods


Using this address :

If your country isn't part of European Union, add 10% to the total amount you wanted to donate.


I will accept any cryptos from the coinmarketcap top 10th. Simply provide me in PM (discord/forums) the crypto/network to use (avoid ETH, big fees), and I will deliver you the deposit address in return by PM.

You can also use Brave browser, which is based on Chromium to accumulate BAT seeing ads, and send them to me as a tip.

Brave software referal link

aCis Youtube channel will be normally added as a verified content creator :
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Updated on the question of monthly fee (ty Fire about the feedback) and the different groups (Pack User in thinking).
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


I decided to give more tools to ppl who want to help:

  • Bug archives section is readable anew for normal users (avoid ppl to re-post a bug they think I deleted...)
  • A public workbench is opened, in addition of the private workbench (read the sticky topic on it for more infos about that section)
If you got ideas to feed public workbench, feel free to post ideas / discuss on Tavern about it about it. I give you opportunity to make your proofs, on near anything related to DP side.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


The first topic is simplified, updated and the title is more clear for lazy asses who can't find 1 topic on 10 accessible from guests.

Pack User system will be officially dropped at the end of the week (and users aswell). Eventually a "looking-the-same-but-not-exact-same" rank will be deployed (like for old helpers who don't help anymore, and pack users who helped but not enough) : a sort of pool which next step is suppsoed to be Inner Circle.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Updated with experimental freemium system.

You can eventually contact me for more infos, in order I improve the first post before I launch that concept. The next free revision will be 260, we're at rev 255. You can begin to purchase when 260 is out.

Contributors can be included anytime, but for instance you only get access to rev 243 atm (you still can work on scripts folder and such).
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Edited on Pricing section.

As the free version is anyway delayed of 10 revs, there is no reason you pay for 9 revs. The only "malus" is one revision you will pay will be a free revision in 10 revs (1 month later)... It means I accept 10€ range donation (10/20/30/40/50/...).

I only accept renew/new subscriptions at the end/begin of a 10 revs cycle (as my goal isn't to bother with excel files with who bought what in which date, but developping a pack). Which means I will ignore all donations during that time. If eventually I got left donations which haven't been rewarded, I will activate your account at the end/begin of a 10 revs cycle.

Send me a PM on those forums or on MxC, with terms of agreements (few words about you accepting to donate for aCis) and add your Paypal account and/or name. Why ?

  • I'm not logged on Paypal account every hour of every day (not my goal neither)
  • In case you want to take back your money when I sent you the services, I will have a proof you're a bad customer.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Edited terms

Donators are now known as Customers.
Watchers are now Outer Circle, and are one part of the freemium concept (same forum accesses than Customers, minus the Customers section). Outer circle regroups old helpers who didn't help since a while, or newcomers which are "hope" for aCis future (future pretenders at Inner Circle rank).
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Edited pricing / Customers section

I accept ppl anytime (I will add you on the beginning of a revision cycle). For example, if someone wants to join when rev 263 is out, he will get 260-270.

I give support for any bugs concerning aCis, no matter your server. I still don't busy about your customs issues.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Addition of ToA paragraph, slight edition of overall topic.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


From now, and to easier the Customer rank system, I accept to add you on the end of the current cycle from the moment you pay the end of the current + at least one cycle.

Meaning if we're at rev 328 and you want to get access directly, you have to pay one cycle 10€ (330 - 339) + 2€ (328, 329) = 12€ using family option or 13,2€ (12€ + 10%) with goods or services. In the current example, you get access directly to rev 328 up to rev 339 and dropped at 340.

My point of using cycle is simply to clean ranks fast, notably to avoid to check every rev if someone must be dropped or no. There's not as much problems to add ppl than to remove them, and as a Customer you got the feeling to pay and wait to get access, which can be boring. That's why I drop that limitation.

The limitation still exists for the end of the cycle. You still have to be dropped at a 0 revision (easier management).
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Edited prices section... Again.

Due to a SweeTs remark, I decided to edit things. People pay a static 10€/cycle, no matter if cycle is almost ended, as you get access to all revisions.

If you hate SweeTs, do it PMing him links.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


ToA is refreshed to be shorter and cleaner.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Price section is reworked to be more clear. Addition of payment methods section.

You can now pay me in LTC/DOGE cryptos (the ones with lowest fees). Because I like to lose money over cryptos, feel free to use it. :dw2_14:
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Added related infos on BAT payment method

You can now pay me in BAT. BAT is a crypto token used by Brave browser in order to reward content creator. You can generate BAT seeing ads (some little popups).

Brave is a pretty much decent browser based on Chromium engine, which I use on a daily base.

A referal link to the Brave browser is also added.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!


Added more tokens on the cryptos section.
Triskel does not speak with foolish fellows who do not know their profession!