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Newcomers, read this / Server installation
Last post by Tryskell - July 08, 2019, 07:04:20 PM
MariaDB with HeidiSQL

Download and install MariaDB from I recommend to always install latest stable version. Please note than MariaDB and MySQL share the same writting style, so the revert is possible if you want (but we don't support it).

HeidiSQL is included into MariaDB package. It is a free replacement of Navicat SQL and allow you to modify your database.

JDK 8 / 11 / 21

Download JDK depending of your sources revision :
  • < 381 : JDK 8
  • > 381 to 406 : JDK 11
  • > 406 : JDK 21

Pick it from either openJDK or Java :

QuoteIf you downloaded the installer from AdoptOpenJDK site, you can skip this step, as the installer adds the Java path itself.

Follow it only if you downloaded OpenJDK / Oracle / archive version as it requires manual edits.

You must add Java path to the system environments when using JDK 11. Java 8 automatically adds it to the path, so for free sources skip this part.

Right click on your Computer > Properties > Advanced system settings > Environment variables, select the Path variable and click Edit button > and then set the path to your JDK installation.

Eclipse IDE

Download latest Eclipse IDE from It does not really matter which version you choose, but Eclipse IDE for Java Developers is enough and got all standard Java tools.

Importing the project from shared sources - customer case

Importing the project from GitHub

Project compilation and configuration

Updating server

After some personal edits, you will need to do following :
  • If you edited core side : compile the pack, pick l2jserver.jar library and copy/paste it in the libs folder of your loginserver/gameserver, depending what you edited.
  • If you edited datapack : replace whatever you edited.

Preparing the client

Over, you will find following content :

  • InterludeUpdate071212Full.7z : The latest IL patch, to apply to raw client.
  • Lineage_II_Interlude_p746_win10_071212.rar : The raw client + latest IL patch + system folder patched.
  • System 746 - Patched exe, dat, nogg, nosleep.rar : the system folder patched.
  • engine.dll : A DLL to add if your system crashes at startup.
  • lineage2_interlude_client.7z : The basic, unedited client.
Crappy servers / Re: L2 Order VS Chaos Returns:...
Last post by sahar - May 27, 2019, 06:22:23 PM
New Interlude season starts 31/05 !
* Real money achievements system.
* Improved castle siege system.
* NO donation for gear.
* New mission: The White Walkers.
* New mini event: Multi TvT (4 factions).
* Twitch stream rewards.

And for Game of Thrones fans, special mission  :happyforever:

Announcements / Re: Forum Announcements
Last post by Sido - April 29, 2019, 11:41:51 AM
On 2019-04-30 from 10:00 till 13:00 (GMT +3) we will perform a planed maintenance. Due to this reason, our services / websites will be temporary down.
Announcements / Re: Forum Announcements
Last post by Sido - April 21, 2019, 01:59:06 PM
Scheduled Maintenance on 2019-04-23 12:00:00 
Estimated finish 2019-04-23 13:00:00
Announcements / Re: Last aCis updates
Last post by Tryskell - April 18, 2019, 11:47:08 AM
Changeset 382 (1288)

Since a lot of core has been edited/moved, sources will be exceptionally shared at rev 382 for Customers, added to the diff patch for the adventurers. If you begin to dev a project, I strongly invite you to port your customs directly on 382 shared pack.

Organization, Cleanup, Bugfixes


A lot of organization has been made, in order to give some consistency to core side.
   - Creation of package gameserver.enums. All existing enum have been moved here, and renamed to either get distinct name (CtrlEvent / EventType being too generic), and to fit with new convention name for enums (has to end with "Type" or "Status").
   - Creation of package and, holding classes related directly to Player and Npc (+ children) classes.
   - Creation of package gameserver.model.spawn, holding AutoSpawn / L2Spawn / BossSpawn classes.
   - Drop model.base and packages.
   - Player is moved out of, to
   - Drop of Broadcast class and gameserver.util package, content is splitted between World / ZoneManager / Creature.
   - Drop of gameserver.templates package. StatsSet is moved to common.util.
   - Drop of gameserver.instancemanager, with rename : SevenSigns > SevenSignsManager, SevenSignsFestival > FestivalOfDarknessManager. Both are cleaned (CLogger, try-with-ressources,...) and moved to
   - AutoSpawnManager > AutoSpawnTable and moved to, with a split of AutoSpawnInstance > AutoSpawn moved to gameserver.model.
   - Drop XMLDocumentFactory and gameserver.xmlfactory package (no use anymore).
   - Drop gameserver.model.petition package, move Petition back to gameserver.model (we avoid to use package for single classes).
   - Refresh DP .project to avoid Eclipse warnings.
   - Move GET_PLAYER and INSTANT_JUMP skills to their own SkillType, TELEPORT, in order they aren't used by regular AI system. In order NPCs use them, you have to write additional script.
   - Add Npc#doCast(SkillType), which randomly cast a skill based on its SkillType and associated to the NpcTemplate skills.
   - Heading is now part of getPosition(). New setXYZ/spawnMe methods have been generated to give the possibility to feed heading in same time than X/Y/Z. To set the heading independently, you have to use getPosition().setHeading(heading).
   - Improve Npc#toString().
   - Rename Player#getPet() / setPet > getSummon() / setSummon(), since it is supposed to return Summon, which are both Pets and Servitors.
   - Walker doesn't override HP drop stuff (since it inherits from Folk#isMortal).
   - Creation of Punishment model (with Javadoc) in, holding all punishments informations of a Player.
   - Creation of HennaList model (with Javadoc) in, holding all Hennas informations of a Player. Ty vampir for the initial contribution.
   - L2Radar > RadarList + Javadoc and move it to, extract RadarMarker to gameserver.model.
   - ValidatePosition _heading isn't processed anymore (no use).
   - Generate TeamType enum, based on StinkyMadness idea.
   - Complete rework of RaidBossManager.
      - Merge the different Maps holding infos into one. Create BossSpawn in model.spawn package to hold all related infos.
      - The saving process isn't lazy anymore, but handled on spawn/death/server start.
      - BossStatus isn't related to a Npc instance anymore, meaning you can interrogate it even if Npc isn't existing (DEATH case).
      - Rename StatusEnum > BossStatus enum, moved into enums package.
   - Add the possibility for server admins to tweak default items quantity and equipability. The result is more readable than previous system. It uses the newly generated ItemTemplateHolder (gameserver.model.holder).
   - Cleanup RandomAnimationTaskManager
      - Animation task cancel is now instant upon NPC death, inactive region or intention change != ACTIVE for Attackable. Before it was waiting the regular end timer.
      - Following instances types aren't registered anymore on RandomAnimationTaskManager : ControlTower, EffectPoint, FlameTower and SiegeFlag.
      - Drop of Npc#isMob(), addition of Npc#calculateRandomAnimationTimer().
   - Add missing login status on admin/maintenance.htm
   - Generate StatusType and AttributeType enum, which are used for both LS and GS. Unload ServerStatus of multiple variables.
   - CharInfo heading / boatId is fixed, based on Vilmis remark.
   - Fix a bug introduced in rev 380, where bosses died during a server down couldn't respawn properly. Ty bowling4soup.
   - Add HEAL_STATIC as potential buff slot (fix skillId 3125). Ty Sahar.
   - Modify Lightning Strike power effect. Ty Sahar.
   - Fix the double summon spawn issue (unSummon + doDie happening in same time), as tested by Sahar.
   - Decaying summons tasks are dropped if a decay occurs (avoid tasks to run for nothing).
   - Add Porta/Perum script named SummonPlayer.
   - startAttackStance() / stopAttackStance() system is cleanup. Avoid to spam AutoAttackStop broadcast by NPCs. Decrease the amount of startAttackStance() / stopAttackStance() calls tremendously, notably because the call is moved from onHitTimer to doAttack. Since each attack can produce 1, 2 and up to 10 hits for polearm users, as much calls were done.
   - Player#store doesn't store anymore client X/Y/Z (avoid exploit upon relog).
   - Diagonals flags rule is edited on GeoDataConverter. They must now be validated in both direction.
   - Add/improve character water/fly state on SummonInfo, NpcInfo, PcMorphInfo, PetInfo.
   - Avoid NPE on ClanHall#setOwner, issue introduced in rev 381. Ty bowling4soup.
   - Fix ShortcutList#restore(), issue introduced in rev 381. Ty bowling4soup.
   - Fix ignoreShield() behavior for L2SkillType STRSIEGEASSAULT, PDAM && FATAL. Ty Sahar.
   - SiegeGuard AI is set to ACTIVE and not IDLE when reduceHate occurs.
   - Fix an issue on player creation ; items (armors) weren't equipped properly.
   - Fix default skills shortcut acquisition upon player creation.
   - A DOWN server now correctly repells login attempts (case of Shutdown 60sec). Negative access levels accounts see the server DOWN, and can't login aswell. Addition of GameServerInfo#canLogin(LoginClient client).
PS : You should update your geodata, either using GeoDataConverter or refreshing it using aCis shared link (verify modification date).

Since a lot of core has been edited/moved, sources will be exceptionally shared at rev 382 for Customers, added to the diff patch for the adventurers. If you begin to dev a project, I strongly invite you to port your customs directly on 382 shared pack.
Crappy servers / Re: L2Free returns: 03/03 !
Last post by henrique - April 02, 2019, 04:29:45 PM
Last night in Giran.

Announcements / Re: Last aCis updates
Last post by Tryskell - March 28, 2019, 10:07:17 PM
Changeset 381 (1225)

Updates, Cleanup, ClanHall, Bugfixes

   - aCis officially support JDK11 (since Oracle changed their licence, consider to use OpenJDK), and is now mandatory. Older/different versions aren't supported anymore.
   - Refresh mysql connector from 5.1.26 to 8.0.15.
   - Revert StringUtil#isEmpty(String... strings) logic.
   - Rnd.get(list) / Rnd.get(array) uses are unified over the source. Those methods don't send anymore default values, and will lead to errors if the given array is null.
   - Add Player#isWearingFormalWear().
   - Add ExProperties#parseIntIntList.
   - Add ZoneType#addKnownObject / removeKnownObject.
   - Drop L2Skill isDemonicSkill() / isFlyingSkill() / isStriderSkill() - no use anymore.
   - Activation of the try-with-ressources warning. All impacted classes were cleaned up in the process (renames, CLogger addition, regular writting style, Stringified queries, Javadoc...). I won't list all changes, but there was something like 200+ warnings.
   - IdFactory
      - Merged with BitSetIDFactory.
      - Drop _freeIds.clear() on initialization (Javadoc says it sets to false by default).
      - Drop _initialized flag (unused).
      - Drop Collections.sort(usedObjectIds) (pointless).
   - Basic Duel packets cleanup. Add missing ExDuelEnemyRelation packet (with no use). Ty RooT.
   - ZoneType#getKnownTypeInside returns Collections.emptyList() if no characters are found - avoid to generate an empty List for nothing. Delete children classes isEmpty() checks.
   - Complete rework of ClanHall system. Added to the regular cleanup (CLogger, Javadoc, Stringified queries,...) :
      - Improve clanhall admin management.
         - Usage is now //ch chId <set|del|open|close|goto|end> (one admincommand for all actions).
         - Clan Hall and Siege admincommands got now seperated AdminCommandHandler.
         - No more Exception on invalid parameter for both clan halls and sieges admincommands.
      - Fix clan hall doormen "To Beginning" button.
      - Change the way of attribution of ClanHallManagerNpc ClanHall (no subsequent ClanHallManager calls).
      - XMLize static data (moved out from SQL). Merge Auction db content with ClanHall db content. AuctionManager is dropped, Auction is now stored to the ClanHall directly.
      - Rework the fee task to be more friendly.
      - ClanHallFunctions are loaded in same time than ClanHall, to benefit from the existing Connection. ClanHall don't use anymore one Connection per ClanHall, too.
      - "Clan Action" panel is refreshed upon ClanHall free() method call.
      - Fix an issue with owned ClanHall bids cleaned up upon server start.
      - Upon setOwner() : previous owner got some actions made on it, fee task is renewed for new clan, existing ClanHallFunctions are deleted, outsiders are dumped out.
      - Doors are closed for both free() / setOwner() processes.
   - Implementation of EventTrigger packet + retail usage (castle traps visual effect on siege progress). Ty RooT.
   - Implementation of ExMPCCPartyInfoUpdate packet.
   - Add mods_wedding as part of restored objectIds (otherwise those ids are usable, while they shouldn't).
   - ShortcutList / Shortcut
      - Fix addition/remove/update SKILL shortcut type (manual or from trainer).
      - Integrity check upon addition (check MACRO, RECIPE, ITEM, SKILL types).
      - Fix cleaning issue for ITEM (dropping an item on ground was only clearing the first occurence of shortcut met, not others if existing).
      - Implementation of ShortCutDelete packet.
   - Olympiad Competition starts time seconds are set to 0.
   - EnterWorld exploit fix (create a special GameClientState ENTRING for the occasion, more infos here :
   - GMViewSkillInfo shows correctly disabled skills when wearing Formal Wear. Also refresh skills state upon equiping/unequiping Formal Wear.
   - Add back regular skills use for mounted players and cursed weapons users. Indirectly fix SoE and alike skills items for mounted / CW user.
   - Fix zone/region overlapping (can be tested on Giran castle active front trap). Ty bowling4soup.
   - Fix Q348. It uses L2OFF script for Blooded Fabric acquisition formula.
   - Add MultiSellChoose _entryId integrity check to avoid packet craft (avoid IOOBE). Ty Ghadda / bowling4soup.
   - Rework BrokenLabyrinth based on L2OFF GF. Fix an IOOBE.
   - Edit Linux shell scripts to automatically create log folder if not existing. Ty RooT.
   - Add CW SocialAnimation upon ranking.
   - Fix CW visual effect (goes from 1 to 10 stage, not 0 to 9). Ty RooT for tip.
   - Fix XP/SP calculation. HP ratio is already taken in consideration by template values. Ty Ghadda.
   - Revert previous edition of a config, based on Sahar observations - From -18104, 109992, -2656 to -18312, 110056, -2512 archers could shoot.

PS : if you already own a live server, you have to add "?serverTimezone=UTC" as part of database URL.
PS2 : you have to refresh your developement board :
   - OpenJDK 11 can be downloaded here :
   - Eclipse 2018-12 or any IDE accepting JDK11.
Crappy servers / Re: L2 Order VS Chaos Returns:...
Last post by sahar - March 22, 2019, 06:56:43 PM
Don't forget to join and say hi folks, l2ovc is not the typical crappy server  :happyforever:
Live streams also available to watch on our homepage:

Announcements / Re: Forum Announcements
Last post by Sido - March 17, 2019, 08:21:17 PM
Everything should be back to normal.
Please report any problems you may encounter.
Announcements / Re: Forum Announcements
Last post by Sido - March 15, 2019, 10:44:49 PM
This weekend our community will be in maintenance as we doing some changes.